Software Engineering for Scientific Software

Goal: Many studies related to empirical Software Engineering (SE) are often conducted over object-oriented programming (OOP) projects, with an special focus on Java. On a related project, I pioneered work Software Engineering for R Programming and for mathematical programming, from a process perspective. This project goes beyond domain and programming language barriers, to perform wide-ranging, cross-domain investigations centred on Python, R, Julia and other scientifically-oriented programming languages.

This project covers a myriad of topics, but is centred in technical debt, refactoring, and comparing obtianed results to prior findings in OOP (especially Java, C, C++). It prioritises MSR approaches and mixed-methods.

Participants: - Dr. Melina Vidoni, Australian National University, Australia.


Dr Melina Vidoni
Software Manager @ eWater

Software Manager @ eWater. Lecturer @ ANU (on leave).