Shawn Zhao. Topic: “Documentation in R Programming”. Type: MPhil, 2023. Student at the University of British Columbia, under the main supervision of Dr Fatemeh H. Fard. Dr Vidoni is co-supervisor.
Former Students
Former completions (all levels).
Master Projects (ANU):
Shiqiao Zhou. Topic: “Analysis of Frustration Disclosures in Java, Python and C”. Type: Master by Coursework. Graduated: HD (84).
Richeng Zhang. Topic:: “Uncovering Algorithm Smells on Developers’ Discussions”. Type: Master’s Research Project, 2023. Co-supervised with Iko-ojo Simon (PhD Student).
Honours & Research Projects:
Vatsal Venkatkrishna & Durga Shree Nagabusham. Topic:“Exploring A Multi-step Approach for Code Summarisation”. Type: Research Interns, working as part of ANU’s Future Research Talent, Australia-India, 2023.
Kevin Halim. Topic: “Gray Literature review on Software Engineering in Medium”. Type: Research Projects, 2022-2023. Graduated: HD (85).
Raymond Horley. Topic: “NLP-driven Analysis of Refactoring and Code Smells in Python”. Type: Research Projects, 2022-2023. Graduated: HD (93).
Manas Prasad. Topic: “Security issues admitted in commit messages”. Type: Honours, 2022. Co-Advisor:Dr Díaz-Ferreyra from TUHH, Germany. Awarded the ANU Co-Lab Grant. Graduated: HD: 86 (H1 Honours)
Dominic Yang. Topic: “GitHub issues in the R/Python community”. Type: Research Project, 2022. Graduated: Graduated D: (78).
David Filing. Topic: “Advanced Topic-Modelling in BioConductor forums”. Type: Research Project, 2022. Graduated: D.
Richeng Zhang. Topic:“Analysing data science conversations in Twitter”. Type: Individual research project, S1 2022. Graduated: D (75).
RMIT University
Pranjay Kumar and Davin Ie, Bachelor of Computer Science (Capstone). 2021. Topic:Mining CRAN Discussions from Stack Overflow, and Analysing SATD in R Packages to Uncover CRAN Smells. Graduated: HD. Publications: at ICPC 2022 (Rank A)
Aparupa Mitra, Ken Russel Go, Sruthi Soundarapandian (Capstone). 2021. Topic:Mining Security Breaches in PyPi Projects. Graduated: HD.
Sarah Sukamto, Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons). 2020. Topic:Quality Attributes in Intelligent Agent Systems.Graduated: 8 / 10.
Sefira Karina, Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons). 2020. Topic:Maintenance goals performance in Intelligent Agent Systems.Graduated: 9 / 10.