R-Ladies: Talks & Workshops


This is a summary of the talks and workshops I have prepared for R-Ladies Santa Fe chapter. Some of them are Workshops, others are basic presentations. All of them were presented in Spanish.


2018/06/01: First Meetup

Introduction to R-Ladies and first meetup of the chapter. I introduced what is R, its history, how R-Ladies came to be, its structure and goals, and set up some time to network among the new members.

Meetup Page | PDF Slides | Video Recording

2018/07/04: R for Data Science From Scratch

This was a practical workshop of 2.5hs, based on the book “R Programming for Data Science” by Roger Peng. It started with the basics, such as what is a variable, and we made some very basic plots using ggplot2. The idea was to introduce the members to programming, as most of them came from diverse backgrounds and had never programmed before.

Meetup Page | PDF Slides | Video Recording Part 1 & Part 2

2018/09/07: The R-Ladies Initiative

This was presented at the XI Jornadas de Economía Crítica. I was personally invited by Dr. Marianela Sarabia to give this talk.

Introducing what R-Ladies is, how it is organized, how it works in Santa Fe, and different contributions made on others chapters. I was personally invited to give this talk by Dr. Marianela Sarabia, in order to introduce R-Ladies to conference’s attendees.”

PDF Slides

2018/09/11: Basic Machine Learning Algorithms in R

Introducing three basic Machine Learning Algorithms in R: Classification and Regression Trees, Association Rules and Clustering. The venue was Santa Fe Activa, a venue for local enterpreuneurs, which I secured through negotiations with the Secretary of Small Enterprises from Santa Fe City. The 2.5hs long workshop included explanations about the algorithms, live coding and exercises to solve as “homework”.

Meetup Page | PDF Slides | R Scripts | Video Recording